Tuesday 6 May 2014

Blake Sterling and Dale Gillham don't like the truth

So when people come out and start telling the truth about Wealth Within they don't like it very much. They pay lots of money to lawyers and internet experts so they can manipulate what you see about them online.

They like to try and cash in on the fact during a bull run Dale Gillham came out and said he was a big success and made lots of money and because everybody else who could trade was busy making money, they let him declare himself an expert and without checking any of his results we believed that maybe he knew waht he was talking about.

Riding high on the illusion that he knew what he was talking about he convinced people to give him their money to trade. OOPS! That's when things started to unravel for Dale Gillham and Wealth Within. It turned out Dale Gillham was all talk, he just happened to make some money when every stock was going up, when things changed he lost, and he lost bad...and rather than working on becoming a better trader, he chose to work on becoming a better bullshitter! So he conned and conned and conned. He charged people to learn how to trade and then you think any great investor would put that money into the market, but not Dale, he invested all the money into building a bigger bullshit profile, grooming more little scammers and then went out and found hundreds of suckers who wanted to learn how to trade. He pickpocketed those ignorant investors for thousands of dollars each and in return he gave them a joke of an education that is completely useless to anyone who actually wants to trade the stock market successfully.

Don't give any money to Blake Sterling or Dale Gillham or Wealth Within...unless you like throwing money away and want to feel like an idiot! Then you should go for it, they will be very grateful.

Anyone else got any experience of Wealth Within that they would like to share?

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